The main premise that DeYoung is arguing is that God isn't too worried about where you live, what you do, who you marry (so long as they love the Lord), or what hobbies you do. God is much more concerned in how you do those things. How do you do your job? Is it to His glory, or yours? Does your job contradict the Gospel? If not, then keep at it, unless you want to change. In order to live the will of God in your life, you simply have to "be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." (Colossians 1:9-10). If you live those verses out, you will be within God's will.
Do you like where you live? If not, then move and glorify God elsewhere. It will be within his will. Do you like your job? If not, then find a new one and glorify God at your new job and honor him with your work ethic. Living within the will of God is an incredibly simple thing. My friend's grandfather used to tell him regarding decision making to "draw as close to the Lord as you can, and then do whatever you want." So long as you're staying close to the Lord, whatever decisions you make will be within his will.
Now there may be times that God has something certain in mind for you and he will cause events and roadblocks to occur in order to get you where he wants you, but those are rare I believe.
Also, if you're still struggling on understanding and hearing the voice of God, here is how to do it. This is the number one way God speaks to us and reveals his will to ready? Here it, study, and understand the Bible. God has chosen the written word to reveal himself to us and to guide us. Will we know which job to take from studying the Bible? No, but you can understand wisdom comes from God (Proverbs, James) and that we need to worry most about pleasing the Lord. After that, so long as your job doesn't contradict the Gospel, choose whatever job you want.
So, study your Bible. Obey what it says. And continue to share the Gospel with those in your life.
Thanks to Kevin DeYoung for writing a book that I summarized above. I highly recommend reading it.